Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Threat Of The Cold War - 829 Words

Following the Cold War, in the 1990s, there was an absence of direction in US foreign policy, until 9/11 occurred. Since September 11, 2001 the United States has been fighting a war against terrorism. One may ask, what constitutes terrorism? Terrorism is a premeditated, politically motivated, violent attack against noncombatants, to influence an audience, and carried out by a subnational group. To combat global terrorism, as of 2004 the US started to use unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), or drones, to launch missiles and kill terrorists, and the kill to death ratio shows the success of drones. First, what causes someone to become a terrorist? Many factors can propel someone to become a terrorist, like anger, lack of education, bad†¦show more content†¦With all of these variables it’s obvious why we have seen a recent increase in terrorist attacks all over the world. Terrorists are popping up all over the globe due to the various causes and they need to be dealt with sw iftly, and with as few casualties to our troops as possible. The only way to go about this is through drone strikes. Drones are unmanned, so there is absolutely no risk to a pilot; the pilot could be thousands of miles away in a control room. These drones have killed high profile terrorists and destroyed terrorist compounds, and it comes with no casualties to our troops. It is relatively simple to operate a drone, and the benefits are obvious. More ground can be covered with a drone, rather than conventional boots, and sometimes time is of the essence to locate these terrorists and take them out. Obama has recognized these benefits and accelerated the use of drones under his presidency. Drones are also great for public relations because the American people don’t want to see soldiers being shipped back to the US in a box, but they also don’t want terrorists to be able to operate freely and be undisturbed, so drones can meet both of these expectations. Drones can also op erate for longer periods of time in comparison to a regular airplane with a pilot because a pilot can become tired and drowsy, but with a drone another person can step in and take over the controls. Furthermore,

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